For several years we have teamed up with other winemakers of Bordeaux to introduce a more environmentally sustainable approach for our business resulting in us obtaining ISO14001 certification.

We are very conscious of our impact on the environment and as a result we have chosen to implement an Environmental Management System (EMS). This business management tool aims to improve continuously our environmental performance by reducing the impact of our activities on the environment in a sustainable manner and in turn protecting the land for future generations.

In 2018 we obtained a new certification for our vineyard : High Environmental Value (HEV) Level 3. It is a new step for us to protect the environment and to to continue to be in sustainable for ours Châteaux, employees and consumers. We are glad to receive this label since we started ours first steps in 2010. HEV covers four key areas: biodiversity conservation, plant protection strategy, managed fertiliser use and water resource management.

Finally in 2019, we were certified TerraVitis for our entire vineyard. A new step has just been taken to be close as possible to consumer expectations while being respectful of the environment.

The Family is constantly innovative using new and experimental environmental approaches, such as introducing perennial crops between the rows of vines and also playing music in the vineyards not only to fight against disease but to enrich our land in a very natural manner.